The Telangana Science Journal

Health and Nutrition

(An International Electronic Science Digest Published from the United States of America)
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(Dedicated to one of the most backward regions in India, "Telangana," )

Chief Editor: Dr. Sreenivasarao Vepachedu

Associate Editior: Dr. Venktaeswarrao Karuparthy 

Issue 101

5107 Kali Era , Vyaya Year, Jyesta/Ashadha month
2063 Vikramarka Era, Vyaya Year,  Jyesta/Ashadha month
1927 Salivahana Era ,
Vyaya Year, Jyesta/Ashadha month
 2006 AD, May


Diet and Exercise
Financial Health
Ignorance of Fat Facts
Parents are the Key to Childhood Obesity
Waist Circumference
Diabetes and Obesity
Exercise against Cancer
Green Tea

Chavutti Thirumal Massage
Thai Yoga Massage
Alcohol Problem
Natural Sun Block from Berries
Sexuality - Blame it on Genes
Now Grow New Penis

Life's Little Instruction
Rice Pancake
Importance of a Will

Special Article

Diet and Exercise
Ignorance of Fat Facts
According to a new poll of more than 2,000 adults for the American Cancer Society, just 8 percent were aware of the link between being overweight and cancer risk, but 65 percent knew how the popular TV "American Idol" show works.  More U.S. citizens know the correct number of judges on "American Idol" than know that being overweight results in cancer. According to the ACS, nearly two-thirds of Americans are overweight, and 30 percent are obese and they are not aware of their obesity.

Older American teenagers living in poverty have grown fatter at a higher rate than their peers, according to research that seems to underscore the unequal burden of obesity on the nation's poor.  The percentage of adolescents age 15-17 who are overweight is about 50 percent higher in poor as compared to non-poor families. Obesity rates among all teens climbed substantially during the study, which covered 30 years. But the great divide according to income occurred most notably among the 15- to 17-year-old age group, according to a study in Journal of the American Medical Association. The researchers determined poverty levels using family income and the U.S. Census Bureau's poverty threshold. The results contrast with recent research suggesting that while the poor are most likely to be overweight, obesity rates among U.S. adults have climbed fastest in recent decades among those with annual salaries over $60,000.

Parents are the Key to Childhood Obesity
About 17 percent of U.S. children and teens, aged 2 to 19, are overweight, according to the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics. By the time they were three years old, more than 43 percent of the children were statistically overweight.  But three studies presented at Pediatric Academic Societies' annual meeting in San Francisco offer ways to help kids get to healthier weights. Mothers in families where food is sometimes scarce due to money problems have a tendency to give their children high-calorie foods to boost overall calories or foods to stimulate the appetite -- two practices they should avoid if they want their child to remain at a healthy weight. Helping your child have good self-esteem can also motivate him or her to lose weight.

Waist Circumference
Values of Weight-Height Ration (WHTR) during the past 10–20 years have increased greatly showing that central fatness in children has risen dramatically. WHTR is more closely linked to childhood morbidity and should be used as an additional or alternative measure to body mass index (BMI) in children as well as adults. A simple public health message that is the same for adults and children of both sexes and all ages could be stated as 'keep your waist circumference to less than half your height'. International Journal of Obesity (2006) 30, 988–992.

The Tissue Monitoring System (TMS) is an algorithm that estimates changes in body tissue from a series of daily weight measures. It is intended to provide people with a feedback of changes in their tissue weight so they may have a basis for estimating how much they would have to change their intake or expenditure to maintain their weight at a prescribed level.  The TMS appears to be an effective technique to help female college freshmen resist gaining weight in an environment that is conducive to weight gain. These results suggest that the TMS may be a useful method to help curb the slow increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity that is characteristic of all gluttonous industrialized societies. International Journal of Obesity (2006) 30, 1003–1010.

Diabetes and Obesity
Rates of diagnosed diabetes are increasing, but a third of people who have the disease don't know it.  More than 73 million adults, have diabetes or higher-than-normal blood sugar levels, according to a new study by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. The study is published in the June issue of the journal Diabetes Care. Type 1 diabetes is caused by the loss of insulin-producing cells, and is usually diagnosed in children or young adults. Type 2, which accounts for 95% of diabetes, is caused by the inability to produce enough insulin or to use it efficiently. It is associated with obesity and usually begins in middle age, but it is increasingly being found in teens.

Exercise against Cancer
A protein, called insulin-like binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3), inhibits another protein called insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), thereby blocking IGF-1's proliferative effect on cell growth. Physical activity can increase IGFBP-3 levels, which, in turn, reduces the amount of free IGF-1. IGF-1 has been shown to stimulate cell growth, inhibit cell death, and promote angiogenesis - the formation of new blood vessels, which tumors need to grow. The anti-cancer effects of exercise are due to increases in IGFBP-3, according to Australian researchers.

Green Tea
There is no credible evidence to support qualified health claims for green tea or green tea extract and a reduction of a number of risk factors associated with CVD, federal regulators said in rejecting a petition that sought to allow tea labels to make that claim. The Food and Drug Administration said it reviewed 105 articles and other publications submitted as part of the petition but could find no evidence to support claims of the beverage's health benefits. Green tea is brewed from the leaves of Camellia sinensis, also known as Thea sinensis. Unlike black and oolong tea, green tea is made from unfermented tealeaves.

Two studies presented at the American Urological Association meeting in Atlanta in May found that people who drank lemonade or lemon juice mixed with water daily had higher levels of a chemical called urinary citrate. Urinary citrate can prevent the formation of the calcium oxalate crystals that form the most common type of kidney stone. Kidney stones form when urine in the kidney becomes supersaturated with stone-forming salts and when the urine doesn't contain enough stone-preventing substances. One of these substances is citrate. Tamarind, which is used in South India and South East Asia in cooking regularly, is also considered to inhibit kidney stone formation.

Blueberries, nature's only ‘blue' food, are a rich source of polyphenols, potent antioxidants that include phenolics acids, tannins, flavonols and anthocyanins. Researchers have also revealed that a compound found in blueberries called pterostilbene, similar to resveratrol, could be as effective as a widely used synthetic drug in reducing cholestero.  The new study, published recently in the journal Food Research International (Vol. 39, pp. 628-638), analysed the polyphenol content of three different blueberry cultivars from the state of Georgia; Briteblue, Tifblue, and Powderblue, and found that the total anthocyanidin content ranged from 89 to 98 per cent of the anthocyanin fraction.
Chavutti Thirumal

Sometimes known as Keralite Foot Massage, this is a massage that is not done to the feet, but instead by the feet. Chavutti Thirumal involves massaging the body with the feet of the masseur, whilst the masseur uses a rope descending from the ceiling for balance. The massage is performed mainly with the instep of the foot, but the heel and toes are also used, and the hands can also be used as an alternative.

Thai Yoga Massage
With its roots in India and influences from China the massage incorporates yoga style positions (asana), acupressure and reflexology points, along with techniques of gentle rocking, deep stretching and compression. Thai Massage has a long history of therapeutic healing, however it is only quite recently that the benefits of Thai massage are being recognised by the West.
Traditional Thai Massage is a unique form of body therapy dating back thousands of years.  Unlike the classical Swedish Massage of the West, which is generally performed on a plinth and oil is applied to the skin with stroking and kneading techniques, Nuad Bo-Rarn, as it is called in Thailand, is performed on a mat on the floor rather than a raised table, and the techniques are applied through the clothes without the use of oils. A Thai massage has great benefits for anyone who wants their body to achieve maximum performance.

Alcohol Problem
For pregnant women, even a few alcoholic beverages per week during the first or second trimester can have harmful consequences on the cognitive development of the unborn child. A long-term study has found that 10-year-old African-American children who were exposed to between two to six drinks per week during pregnancy, particularly in the second trimester, had a lower IQ compared with children who were not exposed to alcohol while in the womb. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, June 2006

Natural Sun Block from Berries and Red Grapes
Previous research has shown that an anthocyanin found in colorful foods such as berries and red grapes can protect skin cells from UV-A radiation, which can cause skin cancer. Now, researchers at the University of Messina, Italy, report that the compound can also protect skin cells from UV-B radiation, which can cause sunburn as well as cancer (J. Agric. Food Chem., published online May 9, The compound, cyanidin-3-O-glucoside (shown top), appears to block an oxidative stress response that occurs in skin cells exposed to sun. While researchers at Hebrew University of Jerusalem have found that porphyra 334, isolated from aquatic bacteria, can provide broad-spectrum UV-A protection (Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 2006, 5, 432).

Human Sexuality - Blame it on Genes
Little has been known regarding the biological basis for individual differences in normal, human sexual behavior. Most significant variations in the expression of human sexuality are considered historically to be the result of learned behavior or psychological problems. However, recent advances in molecular genetic studies of human behavior and personality, imaging studies of sexual arousal and performance, and neuroendocrinological investigations suggest that individual variations in many aspects of human sexuality, similar to other human behavior, are likely to rest on a firm foundation in the neurosciences. New evidence that individual differences in human sexual desire can be attributed to genetic variations has been revealed by a research group headed by a professor of psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in Molecular Psychiatry online. It may be possible to treat sexual "problems" using genomics-based medicine. It may also be possible to predict criminal sexual behavior in the future.

Now Rabbit Can Grow New Penis...
It's now possible to replace a defective, damaged, or diseased penis with a penis grown in a laboratory in rabbits.  But the finding promises an amazing new treatment for infants, boys, and men who suffer penis disfigurement. The replacement organ would be grown on a penis-shaped matrix seeded with cells from the patient's own body.  Researcher Anthony Atala, MD, director of the Institute for Regenerative Medicine at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, reported the findings at an annual meeting of the American Urological Association in Atlanta in May.

Rice Pancake
Ingredients: 500 g rice flour, 500 ml water, salt to taste, 1 tsp chilli power, a pinch of asafetida
1 tsp cumin seeds, 100 ml oil or ghee.
Direction: Boil the water in a pan add the salt, chilli powder, asafetida and cumin seeds. Add 10 ml of the oil and the rice flour and mix well. Remove from heat, cool and knead the dough till soft. Divide the dough into soft. Divide the dough into small balls and roll each out like a pancake.  Cook on a hot griddle on both sides till done. Drizzle with ghee or oil and serve hot.

Financial Health
Importance of a Will:

Special Article
Dr. Kala Sagar Madugula, BDS, MDS
Campbellsville, KY, USA

Dr. Chandana Gorthi, BDS
Hyderabad, AP, India

Dr. Sreenivasarao Vepachedu, PhD, LLM

Oral-facial clefts are birth defects in which the tissues of the mouth or lip don't form properly. Oral cleft occurs when the tissues of the lip or palate of a fetus don't grow together early in pregnancy. During the early weeks of development in the womb, the fetus initially has a cleft lip and cleft palate. Later, the tissues that form the upper lip and the palate come together in the middle and fuse to form the normal lip and palate.

A cleft lip is a split in the upper lip. A cleft palate is a split in the roof of the mouth, leaving a hole between the nose and the mouth. Cleft may occur in lip and palate together. In addition, clefts can occur on one side of the mouth or on both sides of the mouth. A cleft of the lower lip is very rare if at all. About 1 in 600 -1000 babies has a cleft lip or cleft palate.

Sex and race play a small role. More boys than girls have a cleft lip, while more girls have cleft palate without a cleft lip. Clefts are most common in Asians, Indians, Latinos and Native Americans.  Cleft lip, with or without cleft palate, affects 1 in 150 to 200 babies in the India each year, which is probably one of the highest incidences in the world.

Scientists don't know exactly what causes most clefts.  The cause of cleft lip-plate is multi-factorial and cannot be generally ascribed to a single cause. Environmental chemical substances called teratogens, as well as radiation, nicotine (tobacco), alcohol, certain drugs, viral infection and physical stress during pregnancy may influence the development of cleft in the unborn early during gestation. A hereditary cause is also associated in many cases. The risk may be higher for children who have a sibling or parent with a cleft or who have a history of cleft in their families. Both mothers and fathers can pass on genes that may cause cleft.


FUNCTIONAL: This starts with improper suckling of milk as an infant, defective speech development, food and water getting regurgitated into the nose, and poor alignment of teeth, which prevents a proper chewing of food for a life time. An associated ear deformity is not uncommon in these patients.

AESTHETIC: This is single major concern for a developing child than any other complaint due to a disfigured appearance.

PSYCHOLOGICAL: The stigma attached to this disease will usually leave a life time injury to a person, preventing him or her from coming into the public, speaking in a group, and preventing a child from concentrating in any educational pursuit.


The treatment of cleft condition as is the cause of the disease also involves multiple areas like surgical management, dental, speech therapy, pediatric, psychological counseling, and involvement of other specialties if associated with other abnormalities.

SURGICAL: With the advancement in the scope of surgery, the success for a cleft patient has improved drastically. The cleft lip deformity is usually corrected shortly after birth. Cleft lip often requires only one reconstructive surgery, especially if the cleft is unilateral. The closure of the defect of the palate is postponed until later usually when the child gets 10-12 months old and at times may not be accomplished in a single surgery, depending on the severity of the deformity. Nowadays, an oral surgeon, ENT surgeon, plastic surgeon are equally involved in treating the cases of cleft lip and /or palate.

DENTAL ASPECT: A dental deformity is very common in a cleft affected child, and is seen as crowded or mal-aligned teeth, which usually require orthodontic braces and bands for good aesthetics and also to provide ability to chew food and pronounce words properly. In some severe cases, a complete closure of a palatal defect may not be possible and is usually managed by dentist with the help of a removable plate prosthetic appliance.

PSYCHOLOGICAL: A positive attitude towards the affected child is the key component in the success of cleft treatment.

Smile Train, a United States-based non-profit non-governmental organization, was set up in 1998 with an intention to treat the children affected with cleft condition free of cost. Last July, the Smile Train entered India and set up five centers - in Mangalore (in collaboration with the A.B. Shetty Memorial Institute for Dental Clinic), Thrissur (with the Charles Pinto Centre for Cleft Lip and Palate), Hyderabad (with the SHARE Medical Centre), Chennai (with the Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Hospitals, or SRMCH) and Mumbai (with the Impact India Foundation). Only the Chennai center is functional now. Others will start work soon, but all these centers aim to provide surgical treatment free of cost. (

Another centre of excellence working for cleft patients is CLEFT-CHILDREN INTERNATIONAL in Zurich, which has established three centers, one each in K S Hedge hospital Mangalore, UniQare hospitals Hyderabad and Meenakshi Ammal General Hospital Chennai. Even these organizations are providing free support and facilities to all the affected children.

For more on Cleft related topics visit:
March of Dimes:
Plastic Surgery:
Smile Train in India:
Smile Train in China:
Smile Train in Russia:

This material contains only general descriptions and is not a solicitation to sell any insurance product or security, nor is it intended as any financial, tax, medical or health care advice. For information about specific needs or situations, contact your financial agent or physician.
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Source: The primary sources cited above,  New York Times (NYT), Washington Post (WP), Mercury News,, Chicago Tribune, USA Today, Intellihealthnews, Deccan Chronicle (DC), the Hindu, Hindustan Times, Times of India, AP, Reuters, AFP, etc.

Copyright ©1998-2006
Vepachedu Educational Foundation, Inc
Copyright Vepachedu Educational Foundation Inc., 2006.  All rights reserved.  All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for special medical conditions or any specific health issues or starting a new fitness regimen. Please read disclaimer.

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